
Seeding your database is an optional step that allows you to add data to your database in mass. It is usually used in development to create a populated environment for testing. Seeders should not be used for data required to run your application or to migrate data between columns. Seeders should be seen as entirely optional. If a seeder is never ran, your application should still work.

Seeders can be ran by calling the seed method on a MigrationService. It takes an optional seedName string to only run a specific seeder. Additionally, you can run all your seeders when migrating your database by passing seed = true to the up method.

By default, seeders can only be ran in development environments. This can be configured on each manager by setting a seedEnvironments key to either a list or array of allowed environments to run in.

A seeder is a cfc file with a single required method - run. For the QBMigrationManager, it is passed a QueryBuilder instance and a MockData instance, useful for creating fake data to insert into your database. (Other Migration Managers will have other arguments passed. Please refer to the documentation for your specific manager.)

component {

    function run( qb, mockdata ) {
        qb.table( "users" ).insert(
                $num = 25,
                "firstName": "fname",
                "lastName": "lname",
                "email": "email",
                "password": "string-secure"


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